

河景’s 买足彩app平台 is an ideal opportunity for students to maintain academics, improve upon 独立生活 and executive functioning skills while enjoying 社会 opportunities with peers on beautiful Cape Cod.

夏天 at 河景 offers programs for three different age groups: 中学, ages 11-15; 高中, ages 14-19; and the Transition Program, 成长 (Getting Ready for the Outside World) which serves ages 17-21.

Whether opting for summer only or an introduction to the school year, the 中间 and 高中 买足彩app平台 is designed to maintain academics, 培养独立生活技能, 并提供与同龄人交往的机会. 

在夏天, 过渡计划(成长)旨在教授职业技能, 独立生活, 和社交技能,同时加强学术. 成长 students must be enrolled for the following school year in order to participate in the 买足彩app平台.

河景’s summer experience serves as an ideal opportunity for students, 不管新学年是否来, 熟悉买足彩app平台, 老师, 住宿教员和同行.

中间 & 高中暑假


Academic instruction is provided each weekday morning using a thematic, integrated curriculum. 阅读, 写作和艺术都有一个中心主题, 这提供了一个有意义的, 多感官学习环境. 学生 also receive instruction in mathematics and participate in elective classes to explore new interests. 2024年夏季奥运会的主题是:夏季奥运会和巴黎这座城市.


河景夏日是关于冒险和玩乐的! 学生 experience summer on Cape Cod by attending sporting events, 舞蹈, 观赏鲸鱼, 海滩郊游, 水上公园, 皮划艇, 深海捕鱼和文化活动, 比如音乐会和戏剧——青少年的经历!


  • 绿地音乐会(科德角) & 普利茅斯)

  • 科德角棒球联盟

  • 三明治木板路

  • 个人购物

  • 主街漫步

  • 巴恩斯泰勃郡集市

  • 皮划艇/ Paddleboarding /油管

  • 科德角国家海岸

  • 电影

  • 科德角海滩

  • 格里诺营地的一天

  • 书店参观

  • 运河和海滩散步

  • 当地的上涨


Social skills training is one of the corner stones of the 河景 program. All activities are designed to strengthen cooperative skills and individual growth. Outings allow for skills learned in the classroom to be practiced across all settings and environments within the community.


学生们学习如何计划自己的时间, complete chores to take care of their rooms as well as common living spaces, 并预算他们的钱在社区购物. They also learn how to self-advocate and learn executive functioning skills.

暑期学生: Day students participate in the summer program from 8:30am to 4:45pm, five days a week. Designed to mirror the weekday morning and afternoon portion of the School’s boarding program, the day program adheres to the same high standards as the programming available to our boarding students. 家长s and/or school districts are responsible for all transportation to and from the day program.


河景’s 成长 买足彩app平台 is a five-week educational experience for students who have graduated from high school (17–21 years old) and who are enrolled in the school-year program. The program is designed to build students’ vocational and 独立生活 skills while reinforcing academics.


成长 students participate in academics during the summer to continue building practical reading, 写作, 还有数学技能. 学生 also take afternoon elective classes that give them an opportunity to engage in activities to develop personal and recreational interests.


学生们在职业探索领域轮转, where they are exposed to jobs and the foundation skills associated with each position. At the completion of the program, students are given a Work Exploratory Assessment.


In addition to the hard work, 夏季生长 is also about adventures and having fun! 学生 experience summer on Cape Cod by attending sporting events, 观赏鲸鱼, 海滩郊游, 水上公园, 皮划艇, 深海捕鱼和文化活动.


  • 绿地音乐会(科德角) & 普利茅斯)

  • 开普码棒球联盟

  • 三明治木板路

  • 个人购物

  • 主街漫步

  • 巴恩斯泰勃郡集市

  • 皮划艇/ Paddleboarding /油管

  • 科德角国家海岸

  • 电影

  • 科德角海滩

  • 格里诺营地的一天

  • 书店参观

  • 运河和海滩散步

  • 当地的上涨


Young adult experiences allow for the development of 社会 competency; building and maintaining friendships. 此外,成长的学生学习如何自我倡导.


成长 students learn how to plan activities, arrange transportation, and budget their money. They do chores to take care of their rooms as well as common living spaces, 还有去杂货店购物和做饭.



河景 School places a great deal of importance on the appropriateness of a candidate’s total application, 每个年级和宿舍的空缺人数, and in ensuring a good fit between the applicant and students who are currently enrolled.

河景 has a long standing commitment to neurodiversity and continues to enroll students who are neurodivergent. Our curriculum supports a variety of children and young adults who learn differently.

If your child meets the following criteria, they may be a candidate for 河景:

  • 被描述为温柔、友好、善良和天真

  • 诊断为语言、学习和认知障碍

  • Desires to make friends and is interested in forming relationships with others

  • Seeks 社会 and extracurriculuar opportunities such as playing on sports teams, 参加舞蹈, 参与戏剧, 音乐, 艺术与学生会

  • Responds well to a structured, supportive, predictable environment

  • 能够在学术环境中取得更大的成功

  • Has mastered basic daily living skills and personal hygiene and self-care

  • Mild medical issues that complicate—but not compromise—daily activities

  • IQ and Achievement scores between 65–90 or functional abilities within that range (many times there is great variability)

请注意: 学生们正在展示一段情感的历史, 行为, 精神疾病, 或者需要一个治疗环境, 不能被考虑吗.

If you feel 河景 may be appropriate for your child, please fill out the 调查形式 或致电508-888-0489咨询您的任何问题.

访问我们的 招生页面 for 常见问题, to schedule an information session and for more information.
